Wisconsin Armed Student Took Class And Teacher Hostage in Marinette High School

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Teacher of classroom began turning away students from class, while armed student inside

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 29, 2010

Marinette, Wiscosnin - On Monday, the Marinette County Sheriff's Office received a call at 3:48 p.m. from an administrator at the Marinette High School telling them an armed student had taken over a 6th period class. Police Chief Jeff Skorik indicated the student is armed with a handgun and had taken 23 students and a teacher hostage. Afterwards, the student released five students.
Other students who had taken the class also were arriving during a change of classes and had been turned away by a teacher. The doors of the classroom were then locked.
Police have been in contact via telephone with the teacher and have been trying to get the student to surrender. No shots have been reported fired and no one has been injured, according to Skorik.
Family members and friends of the students held hostage have been gathering at the court house. Other people and students have been also gathering at a nearby hair salon.
The hostage situation continued to unfold throughout the afternoon. 

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