Milwaukee Mayor Barrett and Goodson, Immigration Rights and Reform Journalist Featured In WJTI 1460 AM "Temas Al Aire" Spanish Radio Talk Show

(L-R) H. Nelson Goodson, Ernesto Nava, Daisy C. Cubias, Adriana Diaz, Mayor Tom Barrett, Mayra J. Diaz, and Tony Garnica.

Photo by Victor Huyke

November 26, 2010

Milwaukee (HNNUSA)- Last Monday, Mayor Tom Barrett and H. Nelson Goodson were featured in the one hour WJTI 1460 AM radio Spanish talk show "Temas al Aire," which is hosted by Ernesto Nava, Tony Garnica and Adriana Diaz. Goodson was invited for a second time to the show to discuss Wisconsin state Representative Donald Pridemore's (R-Hartford) intent to introduce a similar Arizona SB 1070 law in the January session. Pridemore's Wisconsin's version of SB 1070 will allow local law enforcement officers to detain suspects for 48 hours when they come into contact with them in minor or serious infractions of the law, if officers suspect they are in Wisconsin and in the country illegally.
Nationally, Goodson is one of the foremost respected immigration rights and reform journalist. Goodson said, "Pridemore's bill will eventually lead to racial profiling, discrimination and Civil Rights violations of U.S. Hispanics once it's passed in Wisconsin." Pridemore is gaining support from fellow Republicans for the bill and come January, Republicans will have control of both the State Assembly and the Senate, including the Governor's seat. Scott Walker, (R) was elected Governor of Wisconsin and he has vowed to sign a similar Arizona law, if it reached his desk.
Mayor Barrett for now will wait and see to act, if the Pridemore's similar Arizona SB 1070 bill will be passed. Barrett says, he supports for undocumented immigrants convicted of serious crimes such as felonies to be turned over to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But Barrett agrees, undocumented immigrants who work hard, contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble should not be detained or deported.
In the Arizona July 28th ruling, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton decided to block a number of key SB 1070 provisions making it useless. Judge Bolton's SB 1070 injunction ruling blocks officers from asking the legal status of people during investigations, requiring people to carry alien registration documents at all times, making it a crime for undocumented immigrants to solicit, perform or apply for work, and warrantless arrests.
Judge Bolton's ruling gave a major victory for the U.S. Department of Justice who filed a lawsuit against Arizona, six other groups and civil rigths organizations who opposed the discriminatory Arizona SB 1070 measure.
Goodson on Saturday morning, November 27, will host the popular Nfoque Latino program from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at WJTI 1460 AM radio Spanish talk show in Milwaukee. Goodson will talk about Pridemore's similar Arizona SB 1070 bill concerning racial profiling and the economic effects it could have for the predominately Hispanic community in Milwaukee's South side and the state.

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