Voces de la Frontera 2nd Annual Banquet Gala, MATC And MPS Received Civil Rights Awards For Boycotting Arizona Passage of SB 1070

Photo by Marla J. Possell

A mock student graduation DREAM Act rally set for Friday.

November 19, 2010

Milwaukee, WI (HNNUSA) - On Thursday, H. Nelson Goodson, Analy, Soriada and Gicela posed for a gala photo at the Voces de la Frontera 2nd Annual Banquet Gala. Nationally, Goodson is one of the foremost respected immigration rights and reform journalist. He is also a co-host with Zonia Lopez in the popular Nfoque Latino Spanish radio talk show on Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., at WJTI 14.60 AM radio, La Nueva Ritmo (live on Ustream http://bit.ly/c1VwGx) in the Milwaukee metropolitan area.
Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) celebrated their 2nd Annual Reaching for the American Dream Gala Banquet at the Potawatomi Woodland Dreams Ballroom, 1721 W Canal Street, Milwaukee. Entertainment was provided by Evan and Tom Leahy, of the Irish folk band Leahys Luck, as well as The Pueblo Latino group CACHE, featuring Cecil Negron.
Voces de la Frontera recognized Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC- http://bit.ly/alWMT4) and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) with its Annual Civil Rights Award for the institutions' strong leadership and passage of resolutions to boycott Arizona for its anti-immigrant laws like SB 1070. Representatives receiving the awards for both MATC and MPS told the reception attendees that they will also oppose Wisconsin State Representative Donald Pridemore's similar version of the Arizona SB 1070 law, he vowed to introduce in the Assembly January session. (http://bit.ly/9mySeh)
VDLF recognized key allies including SEIU, Local 1 with the Joe Rody Labor Activist Award; youth leaders Gabe Coronado and Maricela Aguilar with the Richard Oulahan Youth Activist Awards; and Fr. Alvaro Nova Ochoa and Sister Josephe Marie Flynn with the New Sanctuary Movement Leaderhip Award.
In a press release issued by VDLF, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera gave the following statement, "It is important to take the time to celebrate the gains we have made for the immigrant rights movement.  We are galvanizing our resolve to carry on and continue the struggle for civi rights, worker rights and immigrant rights." 
On Friday, VDLF announced a DREAM Act rally to push for its approval during the upcoming lame duck session. U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D) majority leader is expected once again to bring up a vote on November 29.
Students from Milwaukee and surrounding areas will stage a mock graduation on Friday, Nov. 19, at the federal building, 517 E. Wisconsin Ave. beginning at 4:00 p.m. and then will walk to the St. John's Cathedral for a reception in their honor.
The DREAM Act would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented students who were brought to the U.S. at a young age, and complete at least two years of college or military service, according to VDLF.

(L-R) Standing: Salvador Sanchez, Soriada, Gicela, Analy, Marla J. Possell and Dr. Micheal L. Burke, President of MATC.
(L-R) Seating: Zonia Lopez, Patricia Goodson and unidentified attendee. Photo by HNG

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