Marinette High School Armed Student Suffers Self-inflicted Wound, Hostages Rescued By S.W.A.T.

Chief Jeff Skorik
Marinette Police Department

Photos: Youtube

All the students and teacher were reported rescued, except the armed student who suffered a self-inflicted wound, according to police.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 29, 2010

Marinette, Wisconsin - Police in Marinette reported that all the students taken hostage early in the afternoon in a classroom at the Marinette High School have been released after being rescued. None of the students or the teacher have been reported injured. School officials confirmed that the high school will remain closed on Tuesday.
Police Chief Jeff Skorik said in a press conference, that the suspect, a 15-year-old fellow student had fired 3 shots at 8:03 p.m. inside the classroom and a S.W.A.T. team immediately rammed the door down and entered the classroom. They found the armed suspect standing and they were able to jump on him. One of the suspect's weapon fired in the struggle injuring him. Chief Skorik said, "it was a self-inflicted wound."
18 students and a teacher were rescued by S.W.A.T. Several students identified the armed student suspect as "Sam Hengel," but police have not confirmed his identity. Sam who suffered a self-inflicted wound was taken to a nearby hospital. His family was notified and questioned by police. Family members were allowed to accompany the suspect to the hospital, where they remained with him. Sam is in protective custody and will most likely face multiple charges, if he survives his injuires. No word of his condition has been released.
The hostage standoff began about half hour before the end of a Western Civilization class, when Sam took out a handgun and shot at a projector showing a Greek methology video. He then took the class over, according to students. They were able to talk to him and at times calm him down after breaking a cell phone when a call was received. Students weren't able to use their cell phones because Sam confiscated all of them and put them in the middle of the classroom. He at one time told the teacher to shut up. Students began to talk about hunting and other things to keep Sam calm, which eventually worked. One student said, "we are lucky to be alive and we hope it doesn't happen ever again."
At 7:40 p.m., Sam a fellow classmate decided to release five students who wanted to use the bathroom. He had two loaded weapons and had fired them before any law enforcement officers had responded to the initial hostage standoff. Sam was in possession of two loaded handguns, a .22 Cal. and a .9mm semi-automatic when he took control of the classroom. Police were able to recovered both weapons and spent casings from the scene.
Sam was acting alone when he took over the classroom before 3:48 p.m. in the afternoon, according to Chief Skorik.
Marinette police officers, Marinette County Sheriff deputies, DNR officers, state police and Michigan police were able to provide assistance.

Related article: Wisconsin Armed Student Took Class And Teacher Hostage in Marinette High School

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