Mexican DJ From Sonido Condor Detained By Police In Iowa For Suspected Drugs

Arnulfo Aguilar Vásquez

Photo: HNG

DJ stopped on an Iowa highway by police who suspected he was transporting drugs.

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 19, 2011

Milwaukee - On Friday during a presentation in the predominately Hispanic South side neighborhood, Arnulfo Aguilar Vásquez, 51, an internationally famous Mexican DJ for Sonido Condor publicly announced that on Thursday he was detained by police in Iowa. Aguilar Vásquez told a crowd of fans during a concert dance presentation at the Buddhist Temple Hall, 1925 W. National Ave. that he and his crew were travelling through Iowa when they were pulled over by police on suspicion they were transporting drugs.
An officer suspected Aguilar Vásquez was transporting drugs and called for backup to search several vehicles. Numerous police officers responded to the scene and searched every item, luggage and sound equipment for alleged hidden drugs in the two semi-trailers Aguilar Vásquez and his crew were travelling in. 
Aguilar Vásquez said, it was a bad experience and that he had never been so humiliated in his life by such police allegations, which weren't true. He came short from saying that police were profiling Latinos. The police even called his contract sponsors and manager where he was supposed to perform, for vertification.
He wouldn't wish it on any Latino travelling through the state of Iowa. No drugs or any contraband was ever found by police in the semi-trailers and he was allowed to continue on his trip. No citation for any traffic violation was given to Aguilar Vásquez, according to his public testimonial.
He has been touring the U.S. and has performed in California, Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio and other states. On Saturday, El Condor will be in Chicago, Illinois performing live for thousands of people with cumbias, Salsa, reggaeton, duranguese and ect. His elaborate light show, sound equipment and music mixing attracts full houses where ever he performs. Throughout his presentation, multitude of fans come up and give him hand written requests on what ever piece of paper or cardboard they can write a message on. The special dedications and messages are than announced by El Sonido Condor live, such as names of fans and their families, other sound groups and special announcements for couples.
Aguilar Vásquez warned more than 200 people at the dance to be alert and careful while travelling through Iowa. He is originally from Mexico City and is best known for attracting at least 300,000 people to his 25th Anniversary of playing with Sonido Condor in 2005 and performed as a DJ for 13 hours straight without stopping.
In 2011, Aguilar Vásquez will celebrate 31 years as a DJ for Sonido Condor.

El Sonido Condor two semi-trailers arriving at a Mexican city to perform

El Sonido Condor concert video 2009 at

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