Rahm Emanuel
By H. Nelson Goodson
February 22, 2011
Chicago - On Tuesday, Rahm Emanuel, 51, was elected Mayor of Chicago, according to the local election commission. Emanuel won most of the wards in the city and non of the other mayorial candidates received more than 25% of the votes to have a run off election.
Emanuel was the former White House chief of staff in President Barack H. Obama's administration. He raised more than 12 million for his mayoral election campaign.
Emanuel a Democrat never committed to follow former Mayor Richard J.Daley's sanctuary policy prohibiting Chicago Police and city workers from asking the legal status off undocumented immigrants in Chicago, according to Mexican organizations requesting where he stood on the issue. While Emanuel worked for the White House, he was in charged of making sure immigration laws and Obama's administration policies on immigration were enforced.
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By H. Nelson Goodson
February 22, 2011
Chicago - On Tuesday, Rahm Emanuel, 51, was elected Mayor of Chicago, according to the local election commission. Emanuel won most of the wards in the city and non of the other mayorial candidates received more than 25% of the votes to have a run off election.
Emanuel was the former White House chief of staff in President Barack H. Obama's administration. He raised more than 12 million for his mayoral election campaign.
Emanuel a Democrat never committed to follow former Mayor Richard J.Daley's sanctuary policy prohibiting Chicago Police and city workers from asking the legal status off undocumented immigrants in Chicago, according to Mexican organizations requesting where he stood on the issue. While Emanuel worked for the White House, he was in charged of making sure immigration laws and Obama's administration policies on immigration were enforced.
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