Hispanics Mad As Hell For Republican Backed "No Vote" Campaign In Nevada, Latinos Expected To Vote In Record Numbers

Last week, Hispanics became outraged nationally by ads in Nevada from Latinos for Reform headed by Robert de Posada, a Republican base group that were geared to keep Hispanics from voting. In English: Ads telling Latinos not to vote in Nov. 2nd at link http://bit.ly/czfvsS, and in Spanish at link: http://bit.ly/9godeh

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 26, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Since 2006 and recently, Hispanics have been asking the following question. What has the GOP and elected Republicans done to curve the reccession, lost jobs or immigration reform to attract and get the U.S. Latino vote on Tuesday, November 2, 2010? Nada... means nothing!
Republicans and supporters are out spending Democrats in political campaigns to gain control of both houses in the U.S. Congress. Latino political activists and Hispanic organizations expect a major defeat in the horizon for the GOP for taking Hispanics for granted and not including a comprehensive Latino agenda to address issues affecting the U.S. Hispanic community.
An estimated 40 million Latinos live in the U.S. and by 2050, Hispanics will make up 100 million of the population. In 2008, more than 2 million Latinos voted totalling 9.7 million, 84% of registered Hispanic voters than in any previous election in the country, according to Census data. The Latino voting surge created a voting block and political empowerment for Hispanics. Today, there are at least 19 million Latino eligible voters in the U.S.
Most polls suggesting Republicans leading by double degits in major elections throughout the country failed to include Hispanics in their polls. Other factors about Latinos have also been excluded from major polls, but a fact remains that 2/3 of registered U.S. Hispanic voters are Democrats, compared to 1/4 of Latino voters who are Republican. In fact, since 2006, the GOP or the Republican Party began losing their Latino base voters when extreme conservatives made major changes and influenced the GOP to adopt an agenda blocking a path for citizenship for more than 13 million undocumented immigrants.
In Texas. Republicans have even tried to remove the U.S. Citizenship birth right of children born in the country by undocumented parents. The measure failed, but other states are planning to push for a similar measure, if the GOP takes control of both houses in Congress.
In Arizona, the state adopted SB 1070 in the Summer and was immediately blocked in federal court just before being enacted. The law allowed state and local police to request legal status documents from suspected illegal immigrants. The U.S. Department of Justice challenged SB 1070's legality for police to arrest illegal immigrants when investigating a violation of an ordinance or law and then charging them with a crime for illegally being in the state. 26 other states were working to adopt similar measures, including Wisconsin.
The Republican Party and affiliated Tea Party are pushing for U.S. border security and massive immigration enforcement, which is expected to lead the U.S. into a longer period to recover.
Undocumented immigrants have contributed excessive amounts of taxes totalling billions through the decades and have spent billions in the U.S. economy. Undocumented immigrants, if allowed to remain and become legalized, they would purchase homes and continue to contribute economically into the economy. Thus, helping the country recover from a reccession and boosting the economy by disproving myths that they are costing the government more than they contribute.  
For example in Wisconsin, Democrats were instrumental for fixing roads and highways all over the state by providing construction funding and jobs with the $700 billion in stimulus funds. U.S. President Barack H. Obama (Dem.) and Democrats in both houses in Congress were able to get the Wisconsin National Guard out of Iraq and helped banks from closing through stimulus funding.  Democrats provided unemployed workers with extended insurance compensation, despite Republican opposition. The federal unemployment extended benifits for workers kept money comming in to neighborhood shops and businesses otherwise would have gone belly up without the unemployment funds that are spent in the local economies, are just a few from the countless things and benefits Democrats have done for the state and other parts of the country.
Republicans have done "nada," which means nothing since 2006, and have become the No Party according to President Obama for opposing to almost everything Democrats have tried to get pass for this country to get out of a reccession.
Democrats kept most Americans working and kept the country from a depression, with the Obama $700 billion stimulus package, according to economists.
Now, what have Republicans done to earn the Hispanic vote? Nada, Nothing!

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