On November 2nd, get out and vote. Be part of the National Latino Movement to help put our nation back on track to economic recovery and stability.
By H. Nelson Goodson
October 6, 2010
Washington D.C. - On November 2nd, millions of registered Latino voters will once again cast their vote in a voting block. The Pew Hispanic Center on Tuesday reported that 65% of U.S. Latino registered voters favor and will vote for Democrats in their congressional districts. We as Hispanics need to raise that percentage even higher to assure our political voice turns into political empowerment not to be taken for granted by any political party or government.
As Latinos/as, its our obligation and responsibilty to be part of the decision making in order to pave the way for the future generations of Hispanics. We must stand united and make sure education at all levels is accessible to everyone regardless of economic status, and be able to compete for jobs. We must encourage Latinos to become the best of the best in America, it's inevitable.
We must pass the DREAM Act, we must pass immigration reform, and we must come out and vote on November 2nd to assure our future and the future of our generations to come.
In 2006, we were able create a national network to defeat House Bill sponsored by U.S. Representative Frank James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, (R-WI), HR 4437, which criminalized organizations and anyone for helping an undocumented immigrant, including family members. That same year, Latinos were able to organize the get out the vote and we became an instrumental voting block that resulted in gaining the majority in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.
In 2008, Hispanics once again became an instrumental voting block of more than 67% of registered voters casting their vote nationally for Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack H. Obama electing him the 44th President of the U.S. on January 20th, 2009.
Hispanics have been a driving political force in helping to bring change to America. Latinos have had a history of struggling and striving to co-exist in America. Yesterday we struggled, today we have become an economic and political empowerment, and tomorrow our generations will become the determining factor of success in America's future.
Vote on November 2nd and take along a friend or family member too!
¡Viva la Raza, viva nuestro Pueblo, que mañana sera Nuestro!
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By H. Nelson Goodson
October 6, 2010
Washington D.C. - On November 2nd, millions of registered Latino voters will once again cast their vote in a voting block. The Pew Hispanic Center on Tuesday reported that 65% of U.S. Latino registered voters favor and will vote for Democrats in their congressional districts. We as Hispanics need to raise that percentage even higher to assure our political voice turns into political empowerment not to be taken for granted by any political party or government.
As Latinos/as, its our obligation and responsibilty to be part of the decision making in order to pave the way for the future generations of Hispanics. We must stand united and make sure education at all levels is accessible to everyone regardless of economic status, and be able to compete for jobs. We must encourage Latinos to become the best of the best in America, it's inevitable.
We must pass the DREAM Act, we must pass immigration reform, and we must come out and vote on November 2nd to assure our future and the future of our generations to come.
In 2006, we were able create a national network to defeat House Bill sponsored by U.S. Representative Frank James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, (R-WI), HR 4437, which criminalized organizations and anyone for helping an undocumented immigrant, including family members. That same year, Latinos were able to organize the get out the vote and we became an instrumental voting block that resulted in gaining the majority in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.
In 2008, Hispanics once again became an instrumental voting block of more than 67% of registered voters casting their vote nationally for Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack H. Obama electing him the 44th President of the U.S. on January 20th, 2009.
Hispanics have been a driving political force in helping to bring change to America. Latinos have had a history of struggling and striving to co-exist in America. Yesterday we struggled, today we have become an economic and political empowerment, and tomorrow our generations will become the determining factor of success in America's future.
Vote on November 2nd and take along a friend or family member too!
¡Viva la Raza, viva nuestro Pueblo, que mañana sera Nuestro!
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