TODAY IS THE DAY. Anthony 'Creepy Tony' Sowell goes on trial for his life in a Cleveland courtroom. Remember Creepy Tony? He is accused of raping, murdering and then dismembering 11 Cleveland women in a bloody two-year stretch between 2007 and 2009. He has pleaded guilty by reason of insanity. Well, no shit.
The prosecution's goodies all lay in the killing ground that was Sowell's backyard. In October 2009, cops found the remains of five of 11 dead women. More women have also come forward alleging that Creepy Tony attacked them. Most of the victims were women who had fallen on hard times and drifted into prostitution. While much of the news regarding Sowell have focused on his sinister deeds, little has previously been known about the man. Born in Cleveland, he joined the Marines and saw the world. After his release
from prison after doing a 15-year joly for attempted rape, people who knew him said he "appeared to be a normal guy."
But then odd smells began coming from his rundown two-storey home in a rough area called Mount Pleasant. At fvirst, officials thought it was from a nearby sausage factory but, no, really it was rotting flesh from Creepy Tony's house
And there could be more: cold case cops in Cleveland are working their way through 75 unsolved slayings to see if there is any connection to Creepy Tony Sowell. Stay tuned here.