STEVEN LAKE was by anyone's measure a first-class dick. He kept a holstered 9mm handgun on his bedpost. There's much more. He once threatened to take a knife and mutilate his wife Amy in a way "you wouldn't do to farm animals."
On Monday, this very nasty man unraveled in Dexter, Maine where he shot to death his wife and two children. Then the coward blew his brains out. The 37-year-old creep used a shotgun to kill Amy, 38, and their children" Monica, 12, and Coty, 13. Lake was due to go to trial next month for threatening his family last summer. He held them hostage as he waved his handgun. Amy told cops she was terrified of her moronic husband and that he would kill her, the children and anyone else.
DA Christopher Almy said: "He started about how he might get only partially through his list before they catch him," Almy said, reading from notes on the case. "He also told Amy, `If I have to I'll use a knife and I'll do things to you you wouldn't do to farm animals."
His mouthpiece was shocked, shocked: "Steve loved his children very much and it's a tragic, tragic situation." MORE ON MAINE MASSACRE