UPDATE: Greedy and stupid alert. Lindsay Lohan, step right up. According to the New York Post the delusional former teen star would not do an interview with Matt Lauer on Dateline for less than $100,000. The deal was for $50 big ones. So while he crossed the country and the crew set up Lilo refused to come out of her bedroom. Sweetie, you're not a star. You're a curiosity.
OH DEAR. Former actress Lindsay Lohan will be in court today. Why oh why you ask? She violated her probation and flunked an alcohol test, Radaronline reported last night. The onetime movie star turned punchline tested positive for booze sometime "during the past two weeks" the gossip machine reported.
A source told Radar: "The judge in her DUI case ... said she couldn't consume any alcohol while on probation. The probation department has prepared a
report, and Lindsay will be in court."
Will she now get her 3 millionth break thanks to Southern California's celebrity justice system? How many DUIs, probation faux pas, skipped court appearances and drunken escapades is it going to take to sink that broad into the can? She's now locked up in her Venice Beach apartment under house arrest because of "overcrowding" in the theft of a $2500 necklace.
She was sentenced to four months in jail but got
Now, Lohan, just days shy of her 25th birthday, must now face the same judge again - the jurist "who lamented in May that she couldn't throw Lohan in jail for pilfering the necklace."