Tainos Sports Bar Windows Get Shot By Unknown Suspects In Milwaukee

A bullet hole remained in one of Tainos bar windows facing S. 6th St., background reflection in damaged window shows a building accross from the bar.

Photos by HNG

Tony Vega and local groups kept from performing after multiple gunshots interrupted Sunday's event.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2011

Milwaukee - Last Sunday, the Tony Vega Salsa concert at Tainos Sports Bar, 611 W. National Ave. was shut down early by police after suspects shot into the bar from outside. One woman suffered minor injuries to her hand by glass debris.
Orquesta Veneno, a popular Merengue band was about to perform just before 10:00 p.m. when gun shots rang and a crowd of people standing by scenic windows facing S. 6th St. began to scream, scattered and others hit the floor to avoid being shot.
Evidence showed that at least four bullets were fired from outside and penetrated through several windows, but people reported hearing about five to six shots.
A woman who didn't want to be identified said, Orquesta Veneno was about to play when the shooting incident occurred. The whole event was stopped as police and investigators arrived.
On Tuesday, some of the people who were at the Vega dance on Sunday came back to Tainos at 6:30 p.m. expecting some sort of refund or a rescheduled ticket for a future event. Tainos Facebook page, posted a note for people seeking a refund to stop at the bar, according to a woman who showed up. She said, Tainos Facebook followers who attended the event, posted comments that they wanted a refund.
The person in charge of the Tainos bar declined to comment, but said "thank god no one was hurt." The manager wouldn't say when the next event will take place, or what type of refund was being offered. The cancellation of the Vega dance by Tainos bar will end up to be costly and a major loss of revenue. Tainos owners are not booking anymore events temperarily, but is expected to reopen this weekend.
Police continue to investigate the shooting incident that cancelled the Vega concert.

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