Voces de la Frontera To Launch Major Boycott Rally At South Side Layton Blvd. M&I Bank Branch In Milwaukee

Photo by HNG

Hundreds expected at boycott rally at the South Side M&I Bank.

By H. Nelson Goodson
April 3, 2011

Milwaukee - On Sunday, Voces de la Frontera Action announced in their third meeting held at the St. Adalbert Catholic Church basement, 1900 block of W. Becher St. that they will launch a boycott rally next Saturday at the M&I Bank Branch on W. National Ave. and S. Layton Blvd. (S. 27th St.). Hundreds of supporters are expected to gather at 10:00 a.m. at M&I Bank to see Christine Neuman-Ortiz, execuitve director of Voces de la Frontera close the organization's bank account. So far, over one hundred Hispanics have closed their bank accounts in wake of the M&I Bank employees and executives support and campaign contributions to Governor Scott Walker's (R) election campaign.
M&I executives have said, they don't control the right for employees to contribute and support political campaigns of their choice. Voces on the contrary says, M&I Bank doesn't publically oppose Walker's intent to sign a similar Arizona immigration enforcement bill into law, if passed by the Republican controlled legislature. The bill is being proposed by State Representative Donald Pridemore (R-Hartford) who last week began to reconsider the bill's language and if it was fiscal for Wisconsin to afford a costly national and local boycott.
BMO Financial Group, a Toronto-based Canadian company operating under parent company Harris Bank and Bank of Montreal bought Marshall & Ilsley Corp. for $4.1 billion and is expected to gradually take over M&I Bank operations before July 31. M&I Bank has 4,300 employees in southeastern Wisconsin and more than 9,000 employees nationwide.
Most state residents indicated that Walker's two year proposed budget cuts for Wisconsin have recently helped change their minds and no longer would support the Pridemore bill. Reason, the state is not fiscally ready to implement an immigration bill that will become to costly, if a lawsuit and legal challenge is filed in federal court.
In Wisconsin, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under a signed agreement with the State Police have implemented Secure Communities at all Wisconsin county jails. Suspected undocumented immigrants being processed in county jails for criminal violations or who have been convicted of a crime are reported to ICE and fingerprinting data is shared with Homeland Security.
Business leaders and farmers around the state have opposed Pridemore's immigration enforcement bill, which would lead to hundreds of millions of lost revenues in retail, sales, business, and tourism in Wisconsin.
Voces confirmed that in the Milwaukee area alone more than 200 businesses including Latino owned businesses have signed a letter opposing Pridemore's immigration enforcement bill. The letter will be made public and state legislators will get a copy.
Last week, Maria Monreal-Cameron, executive director and CEO of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin (HCCW) signed the Voces letter and provided their HCCW's version of a letter in opposition to Pridemore's bill, according to Primitivo Torres from Voces Action.
Voces de la Frontera operates as a non-profit organization for workers and immigrant rights ogranization and Voces Action, which focuses on political and organizing efforts to advocate for workers and immigrants rights.
On April 11, Voces and hundreds of supporters are expected to attend the Walker's two year budget hearing at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Walker's budget is proposing to eliminate in-state tuition for undocumented students attending state universities and colleges. Former Governor Jim Doyle (D) signed the bill into law in 2009, after ten years of Voces, former State Representative Pedro Colón (D) and the Hispanic community struggle to make in-state tuition law.
On April 17, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D) who is continuing his effort to introduce a comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress is expected to attend the 5 p.m. Voces community meeting at St. Adalbert Catholic Church Basement. Voces says Gutierrez appearance is tentative and they are trying to confirm that he will attend.

In the news: The National Institute of Migration in Mexico reported, 66,704 Mexican nationals were deported from the U.S., between January and February 2011, 63,970 were over 18 and 2,734 were minors. ICE deported, 30,844 in January and 35,860 in February, of the adults, 57,908 were men and 6,062 were women. (Source Notimex)

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