Hmong New Year 2010-2011 Celebration At Wisconsin State Fair Draws Thousands To Annual Event

Photos by HNG

Hmong families gathered to enjoy the food, crafts, and music during the two day festival in West Allis.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 11, 2010

West Allis - On Saturday, ten of thousands of people joined the Wisconsin Hmong community for their annual New Year's 2010-2011 cultural celebration at the Wisconsin State Fair Expo Center. The two day indoor festival ends on Sunday.
The celebration is divided into two sections, one section for the market place and food vendors. The other section showcases numerous talented teen dancing and entertaining groups who will be awared prizes for their performances. A Hmong queen will be selected among those young women participating, according to organizers.
The event attracts people from throughout the tri-state area. Music, a pageant, crafts, jewelry, food and ethnic herbal healing items were provided by vendors.
The New Year's celebration is sponsored by the Milwaukee Hmong Committee composed of various Hmong non-profit organizations. The Consortium is composed of four Hmong organization, which are dedicated to preserving, promoting enriching and educating the general public about their culture encompassing 18 Hmong Clans.
This year, the Hmong Committee estimated that more than 14,000 people are expected to attend the two day New Year's celebration.

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